Dienstag, 24. März 2009

ENG – Tools update

Well within the last weeks my environment slightly changed.

Just to give you a quick update
GNS3 version 0.6

I've noticed that the 7200 routers tend to crash, if you run more than a certain amount of them. On my notebook it is often between 3 or 4 7200 routers, even if the are doing nothing. I dropped them and only use them if I need features of 12.4.22T1.
My main routers are now 3725, I tried the 3745 but due to some kind of dynamips bug the do not re import saved configs. So I keep the 3725s running IOS 12.4.15T8.

I changed one of the ASA 5505 to an ASA 5510 but this equipment is now in productive environment so their is no big chance of using them in tricky configs. Both ASAs are still running v8.0.3

VMWare stays the same
Cheers NWG

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