Montag, 10. Oktober 2011

EN - HEv6 Tunnel improvements

After surfing the HE forum and a few other blogs I noticed some nice improvements that i would like to share with you.

Currently I´m using the inital URL from HE but it is possible to use another URL that does not leave youre password in plaintext in your config

Keep in mind that USERID is not your accountname but the ID you can find on the HE webpage. MD5PASS is your account password as MD5 hash and TUNNELID stays your asigned tunnel id.
For the ip parameter you can either choose your static IPv4 IP or AUTO for dynamic IP updates.

Another interessting option is the following command

ipv6 general-prefix HEv6 2001:470:XXXX::/48

This enables you to use the reference your prefix by calling the “name” of the prefix. The configuration of the loop 2 interface changes accordingly to:

Interface loopback 2
ipv6 address HEv6 ::1/58
 ipv6 enable

Thanks to Karsten for the prefix hint on his blog. (Link)

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